Monday, July 18, 2011

The Dessert

I have to share the good news, first step out now it's the time the Lord keeps saying that as you step out remember to trust  the Lord to move your mountains, believe in God and the possibilities, anything, God can do anything. Give up lack of faith trade that in for faith knowing you are the beloved of God and Jesus gave himself for you. Worshiping God speaking the love words over yourself you must know you are the apple of God's eye and believe it. God gave an awesome ransom for you the debt paid, Jesus on the cross with love for you he saw you and me when he went to the cross for all our sins, it's a done deal all you have to do is say yes, he wants to romance you. its all about love God's love for you, you only have to believe it's all true. He loves you.

Give up all anger, fear, hate, lust, unforgivness, speaking negative words, seeking stuff instead of seeking God first. When you learn to place God in first place the change starts to happen sometimes fast sometimes slow, hold in. Close your eyes to fear close your ears to it and listen to words of  God.

Sunday a friend and I went to dinner, I have been riding high on the Lord knowing he has a big change for me coming because God is faithful, well we had dinner and decided to share dessert my friend picked out dessert, while the waiter was getting dessert I was inspired to lift my hands up very excited and said thank you God, just after that the waiter came back with dessert but it was a big chunck of a different dessert still awesome and it was free because they had run out of the other dessert a wondeful gift from God, my friend started to laugh. I was trying to explain to him about giving up fear and just step out right now.

Today the man I work for is retiring and handing me the business free and clear another blessing which I knew was coming I am believing for a house coming free Deut. 6:11 He gave them houses they did not build and vineyards they did not plant free, gifts from God, God is a God of yesterday today and tomorrow. If you have credit, no credit, poor credit it does not matter when God wants you somewhere he will move you, the mountains moved.

God keeps telling me time is now the doors are open just seek him in truth, faith and spirit full force seek him HE is near very near, doors are open step out. Praise worship sing a new song to God blessing his name through good times bad whatever stay the course stand and know God has a plan for you.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Smart Design

Your whole life is a miracle look in the mirror the image you see standing there is the image of God. Second look at how wonderfully you are created your eyes, mouth, nose, ears, teeth your whole body inside and out, the wonderful working body with thousands and thousands of cells knowing just what to do. Smart design not random chance. Awesome wisdom different looks not chance, creative design. You are beautifully mightily designed and blessed, you are not a chance of random elements just coming together somehow, you were planned and designed and called into being. You are the head and not the tail you are important to God just the way you are.

You are a champion in the eyes of God the only eyes that matters, you are the apple of God's eye, he gives you peace, a future and a hope. God loves you and wants you to be successful in the this world right now. Learning to know how much you are loved and that God is a big God and anything is possible with him is the key. Dreaming big dreams and realizing how strong God is. Most people think of God out there somewhere instead of God in you Jesus in you Holy Spirit in you= super power source creator of all. God wants  you to take back territories given over to the dark. Take back space knowing God has created you for success not failure, failure comes when you do not know or understand God and who you are in him and his true plan for you and earth.

Thy kingdom comes thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, does that sound like he wants you ready to leave earth right away, nope take it back from the dark the places the dark has taken hostage. God has given us the power to do so you just have to believe it have faith in God stand  and make a difference. If God wanted you to leave right away the minute you said yes to Jesus love you would have gone, you didn't you are still here to fight the dark and be what God needs you to be.

Learning how to soak and listen to God is very important, I have been soaking recently and it has opened up many changes in my life just in this past week my life has made a big jump.  Believing God is and he is a rewarder for those who diligently seek him is true, keep on keeping no matter how things look or feel. You don't get moved by emotions you're moved by the words of God, knowing what God thinks and says about you.

You are smartly designed because God is the designer. Never alone, learn to worship God with high praise, high praise breaks down walls that separte you from him who designed you in his own image. Give God high praise saying it out loud breaks bondages and chains lies the dark has spoken to you. You are freeman not captives be free.

Prayer: Lord we give you praise and all the glory it is you first in life and us second which keeps us safe and in line for the beauty flowing down from heaven, we love and praise you through it all amen

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's Happening

Like a fine Lazar pin pointing your thinking to the truth of success in Jesus, this week I have gone through a lot, my thinking is changing so quickly,  I just took over the business I work free and clear, the owner is semi retired the change is a blessing from God, during the time frame of a week change has come in so fast, when change comes in fast don't be afraid but stay tied to God. right now is a time for change, keep your thoughts on a higher level of being and peace.

Now listen, the dark has tried to stop me like it will try and stop you don't allow a small wall to stop your faith or your moving forward. Do not go into anger or saying why why why when the wall tries to stop you, plow through it with God, your faith your standing strong is being tested. I'm sharing my walk with you we are in it together. Don't fall into the same old traps, you must develop spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear learn to recognize the same old traps, jump over them with a supernatural spring. Become a spiritual ninja able to flip, jump and leap away from the evil darts.


Push through it all have faith in the words of God and stand, the doors are open for you to succeed right now push push forward.

You are the apple of Gods eye you are blessed and God wants only the best for you, trust God walk forward allow God to open doors before you. The time is now to step out and move into change. I have just given up my barbershop after 11 yrs. time to be a spiritual adventurer, freedom trust God get excited and get into the love flow of God. Time to move into more success and use the gifts you have. Let go of things that need to and open up to God, jump in the river of love with God he is with you wants you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Enjoying life with God.

Prayer: Lord I thank you for this blessed day we all have another chance to see you open up to you and walk in your love, your word power and might that flow from heaven to us,  thank you Lord for a great night sleep, thank you God amen

Remember God loves you.

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Learning to Succeed

You are greatly love, God loves every human on earth He wants you to succeed.  Learning who Jesus is learning to succeed. learning about God's love you're learning to succeed. God wants you to create awesome businesses that will help others when we help others to succeed we became more like the children of God, the plan to succeed. When we create good and not evil learning to succeed.

God wants you to learn to succeed and live in peace and safety. When you give up self centered and prideful ways you are learning to succeed. Learning to succeed gives you angel ears that hear far beyond human range. Your ears open wide to hear the praises in heaven, learning to succeed. You're walking in a higher place of thought learning to succeed. Open minds to heaven and rejoicing always willing to change and succeed God's way not ours.

The world may look successful but look at their lives, drugs, drinking hospital  recovery that really does not seem to work, when the followers of the way do the same you fall into the trap to lose.
I don't want to lose do you. Lets close the doors together and truly learn to succeed.

Prayer:  God bless those who read my words high wisdom and super peace straight from the throne room of love from the heart of God, knowing they are loved blessed and favored, Jesus thank you for the gift. All you have to do is say yes he does the rest, thank you Lord amen

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God is the true power source get fired up be transformed,  let the good times roll forward with joy, peace and knowledge, allow it to roll, having fun with the Lord who loves you and wants you to succeed in a mighty way. Yes having fun with the Lord, people make trusting God and worshiping him a sad quiet thing it isn't, it's exciting when the spirit of God rolls in and you feel His beauty all around you, his mighty power  transforming you, a true encounter with God will change you forever, love, peace wisdom and a lot more he sends you helping get you free from your chains.

Now is the time to jump forward the Lord has planted gifts in you, you have to look inside to allow the gifts to flow letting go of fear and allowing God to do his work. Opening up your mind and heart to the truth. What has been your desire since you were a little person you know what it is, you have to trust God to lead you to the door, again take that step, it's a partnership you and God.

I am stepping out, breaking free, I know this is the time for breaking free and push forward in faith in Jesus to help. You have to trust God to see the path faith plays a big role in your freedom march. Money isn't the key to success it's being  a positive influence on others with your gifting, from that point you will succeed. It takes time to move forward breaking through lies, pain, torment and fear you can do it, yes you can.

Take a piece of paper sit down and write what is in your heart keep writing till you read the truth about you and your new job or business or need God has it waiting for you. Let your  heart  lead you not your mind or deadly desires. Listen, ask God stop talking  listen for the answer, listen. Remember it take time to change bad habits you can do it with God.

The time is now for change right now make the first move you have in your heart, remember God motivates only positive moves not negative ones. Any negative fear thoughts or negative movements do not come from God.


Lord thank you for your goodness I seek your face and your favor, thank you for loving me at the cross the gift has been giving freedom and success set in place amen

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Life is like riding along in an exotic car moving smoothly, you're thinking wow how can life be so great, it can't get any better, than all of sudden you kit a big log in the road of life. That log knocks the wind out your car slowing you down to a crawl and scares you silly. You get out to see if  you have any damage your worst fear comes alive your tire is off the rim and you are out in the open without your cell phone, all alone. Horrible thoughts fill your mind, the most scary movie comes to mind..but this is life, things happen remember you can still go through life- stuff and be succesfull.  You have to move through your stuff that fear stuff to be successful. Don't allow the situation to rule over you your spiritual strength will move you forward. Sometimes we are moving along smooth and it's all wonderful other times you feel like you're melting into nothingness. Hold on, hold on tight close your eyes and know it's a temporary situation. Faith moves mountains.

Going through the valley of life or being on the mountain top is a necessary happening the experience makes you strong spiritually and emotionally. You seek success and think it comes easy sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't most of the time it doesn't we have to walk through stuff in life shaking it off. One thing for sure the messes of life will change, the ups and downs are a part of life. Your mistakes will help you move forward learn from them just don't repeat but if you do remember you are learning to give up and change, trust God.

 Keep your mind on the light and move to it. Change is now time for change now now now. Take it by the horns walk wildly into change trusting God all the way. Kicking out doubt hugging truth move forward. What is your desire right now you have a way of getting there step out take a step, now. We have to step out now jump out now, fly out now trust God.

My prayer:

Lord a I pray for waves of glory and wisdom to cover the people reading this blog, fill their hearts with your sweet fragrance, knowing your truth and knowing they are loved you are with them. Take their hand like a child and move them to the place you have prepared for them. Amen

Monday, July 11, 2011

Moving Forward

The question is what do you do when you need to move forward and others around try to stop your moving forward, well, jump over the negative words close down those who try and stop you and move forward in your truth. Learn that not all those who are close to you see you the way you really are, successful, what did the people in the town Jesus came from say, could this be Mary and Joseph's son they were offended by what he said they could not hear or see His beauty. Hearing comes with the heart ears, a knowing and believing in who you are, you are the perfect gift from God, God has been placed in you, come to the cool streams of knowledge and drink life energy force.

You have the truth in you, listen in peace you need peace to hear. Close the gates of shame, anger, fear and lack. In God there is no lack, in you there is no lack, only success. As you move like the wind, but sometimes it seems like a snail, you inhale wisdom coming from God you come together with God to succeed.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No More Blame

Don't blame it stops the goodness flow of God, why because you are looking at yourself, it's another trick of the darkside to stop all the juiciness intended for you from an awesome God.  Heaven's juice overflowing from the throne room for you, ears and eyes of God for you.

Blaming others or yourself depletes everything God has set up for you, when you  blame you're in a negative flow, not the juice of heaven. God wants the best for you, it has already been set by the gift at the cross, all you have to do is say yes and trust and learn. Put your hands out right now and say; yes God it is you Lord I believe.

Right now start a new way of moving through life with peace in truth and knowing God wants you to be a winner it has all been set for you to be over flowing, it is up to you to take what is waiting. God can't make you take it, you are a winner no loser!!!!! Step up and take your place right now.

You have been taught the worlds way which is the losing way, competition, fear, lying- pride filled junk, the truth is to trust God step out with the gifts God has planted in you and just do it. The right doors will open with faith in God and the cross, it will open. Things my take time because you have to unlearn the wrong thoughts and wrong ways of doing things but one thing I know it will happen, JUST TRUST GOD'S LOVE FOR YOU.

No more wasting time on blaming people or situations but move forward like a knife cutting through butter, a spiritual knife the sword of truth will set you free from blame, and bring your steps closer to freedom and true success.

Don't blame the darkside when things happen, most of the time it is our own bad choices that have brought us to a place of ugliness. Our own self desires, lust and pride, please just think about it, than do the opposite of what you have been doing, expect changes to come when you set truth in motion. Trust God but we have to change our way of doing things a new mind set a new way brings success. Time is now.

Lord, I thank you for everyone who reads this for them to move forward in a major mighty way, eyes to see ears to hear strength to go go go untill you change the path. Amen.